Thursday 1 June 2017

Moo ichido onegaishimasu!!

Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!!

What is the title though? Moo ichido onegaishimasu!! (もおいちど おねがいします)

It actually means ' one more time please'. A phrase that is very important in a language class. This is because usually we cannot understand something the first time we heard it right? So we can politely, as polite as a Japanese, ask to repeat something by saying 'moo ichido onegaishimasu'.

In the 2nd class, we learnt about expressions in classroom such the I said before.

In class, before the class starts, the class representative will say 'kiritsu' (きりつ) to ask all students to stand up and greet the sensee and then 'chakuseki'(ちゃくせき)to ask all to sit down.

We learnt many classroom expressions such as teacher's instructions. This video summarizes what we have learnt in class. Some of it.

That is all for today. Sayounara!!

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