Saturday 3 June 2017


Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone.

In this extra I just want to say thank you to Zoraida sensee, who have taught me and all members of class BB3 well on Japanese Language although I did not excel in class. I would also to say thank you to all BB3 classmates for helping me in many things during our time in class.

Zoraida sensee, most right in pink

Me, Nazmin (ナズミン)during Japan Cultural Day

BB3 classmates in final class

I hope we will meet again everyone! 



Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!! 

Sad to say, this will be my last post for this semester. (crying)

Much knowledge on Japanese language have been shared here and hope that it will benefit others. I still have some things to share for today.

Firstly about lessons. The final two classes we learned about verbs in Japanese. For examples,

This is important when you want to talk about daily activities. For example, writing a blog (literally) in Japanese is 'burogu o kakimasu' or ブログを かきます。

The o is just a linking words like no, ga, ni and others. In my opinion, it will need time to actually master the use of linking words as sometimes we don't need to use them.

Then we also learned on date, days and months and in Japanese. Basically it is easy as they are similar to each other.

For days,

For months, just use number + gatsu (month) to say the month.

For dates in a month

So for this example, if you want to say 1st of January, you should say 'ichigatsu no tsuitachi' while referring to notes above.

To congratulate birthday or tanjoobi (たんじょうび)of any of your friend, you can say 'o tanjoobi omedetoo' which is equivalent to happy birthday.

That is all for this semester!! Sayonara!!

My home (わたしのいえ)

Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!! 

Does this house look familiar to you? It's Nobita and Doraemon's house.

Every week in our childhood we saw this house. For your information this type of house is called the ikkodate (いっこだて) which is one of the common type of houses in Japan. Besides that, there are others such as bangaroo, semidii, fuurato and kondominiamu. I think you all can guess how they look like right?

For me, my house is a terrace house which is linked to other houses, rinku hausu (リンクハウス). This is basic floor plan of my house. It is not big (ookii) but is long( nagai) and narrow (semai). Nevertheless, home sweet home.

We also learned some prepositions in Japanese, to say positions of things. Here are some examples.

That is all for today. Sayounara!!


Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!! 

Today is all food!!!

Who does not like to eat? No one!! Not even japanese!! In fact, Japanese have their own delicacies and dishes that are very delicious such as ramen, udon and of course sushi.

 Ramen (ラメン)

 Sushi (すし)

Udon (うどん)

In class we learned about the usual food and drinks. But I want to tell you all about my favourite food which is the............BURGER!!! 


This is actually a scene from the anime movie Paprika (2006). I am an otaku after all. Burger or hamburgers are very tasty and satisfying to eat. Usually the burger that I like to eat is beef burger but sometimes I try others too. I don't usually eat burgers from fast food outlets such as McDonald's or KFC but I buy them from roadside stalls.

In class we also learned some adjectives to describe food such as yasui (やすい), oishii(おいしい) and hayai(はやい). Here are some other adjectives:


Watashi no kazoku (わたしのかぞく)

Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!!

So what is kazoku? Kazoku means family. In class, Zoraida sensee told about the royal family of Japan before starting with the lesson.

So it's all about family today!

Today I want to talk about my family in Japanese. We were actually given a task to find family photo for introducing family members in class. I come from a small family, only 6 members but my father died in 2014 so that makes 5 only. This is my family photo from 2009, in Indonesia. I (watashi) am the one in red. I have a brother (ani) and two sisters (ane). My father (chichi) and mother (haha) are in the middle.

This is a basic family tree to help you. I do not have younger siblings as I am the last child.

That is for today. Sayonara!!! (this is the best I could find)

Thursday 1 June 2017

Doozo yoroshiku (どうぞ よろしく)

Assalamualaikum and konnichiwa (こんにちは)everyone!!

Japanese language is learned everywhere in the world nowadays right? So by right, we should we able to introduce ourselves in Japanese besides in English. How?

Firstly, you must say 

Fill in your name in blank. For example: Watashi wa Nazmin-desu (ナズミン です)。
This is only the first step.

To say your nationality, say watashi wa (your country) -jin desu. Jin means people. For Americans:

For other countries:

For me, I would say, watashi wa mareeshia (Malaysia) -jin desu.
To be more specific in Malaysia, I can say Pera (Perak) kara kimashita, this is because I am from Ipoh, Perak in Malaysia. This is the flag of Perak:

Next, we also learned about some occupations in Japanese, these are some of them.

That is all for now, Assalamualaikum and sayonara!!


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

or in Japanese: anata no ue ni heian de are...☺ or あなたのうえにへいあんであれ
this I learned by accidentally watching a livestream Japanese class on Facebook. The sensei who was teaching wore a mask while teaching so many the live video commented more the mask than what was being taught in class...

The sensee was teaching about basic sentence structure in Japanese language. She also taught about verb forms. I only remembered about the -masu form. Here are some examples:

That is all that I can share for today. I hope I have more time for blogging for this semester. Sorry for the long silence. Sorry, すみません.