Wednesday 8 March 2017

First words from me

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Hello everyone!
I am Mohd Nazmin Bin Bakri from class
 BB3 of Japanese Language 日本 
(nihongo) BJA 2012 at USIM. I am a 3rd
 Year from FST. Even though  I am a
 science student, one of my strengths is
 language. Previously, I learnt Arabic and
 French basics at the university and now I
 think I am ready to learn Japanese. It will 
be hard because I have little to none basics 
in Japanese although I watch anime from
 time to time.
Now I think is the best opportunity to learn
 before I get busy in work. 
Throughout the semester I will try my best
 to share what I got from classes with my
instructor, Zoraida-sensee and also from 
daily life. This is in fact my first time 
blogging and I'm sorry for all mistakes that 
I may do after this. ごめんなさい 
 Until then, I hope I can 
write much for this semester.

Thank you, 
